Sunday, January 23, 2011

"i love you, don't ever leave"

This isn't a story about overcoming mountains, this isn't a story of boy meets girl or friend into stranger, this isn't a story about self destruction or pity, this is not a story of sad or happy or getting there. 
This is a story about oxygen and how much I need it. The story about the whirlwind that forms in my head and heart when I take a breath, standing outside on a winter day under the black cloud of our atmosphere that scared me to this day. Its the chemicals in the air, the fireworks inside of me. Its not excitement, or a laugh, or even love. Its understanding, its my universe. Understand something and it will understand you. The way I found these wires from me to you Alexx, the way J found them from him to S. This way is our planet and I. Even if its not all too clear right now I know somewhere in my head it is. We're here, this is our home, lesson three; embrace it all.

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