Friday, April 1, 2011

Nihilism and Culture

I spent the past 9 months studying both. Nietzsche built me armour while my art history teacher made me mentally unstable. Nihilism is just so much easier than trying to understand culture. Spending years in a textbook, admiring the Renaissance, classics, Christianity.. Using Botticelli to fulfil your knowledge and understanding of the world. Listening to lectures and highlighting "important" points to remind ourselves that this world does not belong to us. The Birth of Venus, I look at it and I see bullshit. Of course I would choose culture over something as stupid as Nihilism, but today, it holds more significance, it’s obliging in the most perfect way. Culture dies. People die, everyday. I died last night, and this morning I woke up as someone else. Culture is processed, enhanced, forgotten, religion is biased, re-written, is the goal not progression? Maybe we forgot art. Maybe we never knew it, but even the Mona Lisa is falling apart.


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