Monday, November 29, 2010

Remember Me

Today is so mediocre, no matter how much happened last night that should be making my mind race back and forth, it really isn't. I'm just calm, just breathing and living in the moment. But what is today without you? What is today without your voice? What is today without your eyes? Your smile and your smell. I wish we were talking but maybe its okay that there is this gap of time without you. it gives us time to get our minds straight and gives us time to miss each other. But fuck, I miss you the moment I walk the opposite direction. Tell me everything. Tell me everything that runs through your head.

Is awful. Mom found out about last night, she called during class saying she's taking me for a test.. I'm clean but I can't believe she won't give up on this. She isn't even legally able to drag me and have a doctor stick a needle in my arm. I will do it though, just for that good feeling I had last time I proved her wrong. I just feel so stupid that I don't think this shit through. Maybe I just don't care. Or I'm dumb. I think I'm just forgetting to care. But as dull as the day was, everytime I looked out the window and stared at the sky and all it's elements I thought of you. And I smiled, sincerely and remembered that everything is alright. That I have you and one word from you can make me forget everything. I realized I had to see you.

Now I'm sitting in my bed wearing this sweater you gave me waiting for the phone to ring. I can't focus on anything else, I'm losing it. But it feels right.

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