Friday, July 30, 2010

Mr. Ristich

Remember you told me once to blog about you? Back when I sat outside on my deck on a warm night and had that amazing conversation with you that I believe made both of us happy..
Well here is your entry.
How long did you think it would take till I found out about her...?
When we make plans and you suddenly back out, "sleeping" isn't a believable excuse. Come on, you're out there, you should know better.
Be more careful next time, because more people want us apart than together, and so many people are willing to tell me everything to keep us from liking eachother.
But you know, I'm not mad. At all actually, I feel so good these days. Because it's been nearly a week that I haven't thought of you, ever since saturday you've been just a tiny detail, but now that I know this, all I can do is smile and wait for the results.
I remember N. told me you had a good heart and I believed him. I also believed you when you said your mother raised you to respect females. Wow, and I kept wondering what I did wrong. Nothing. Not this time, I was so smooth.
I hope this actually sinks into your brain, you fucking need it, but I'm going to let you go now, superstar.

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